Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Video Games, Television, and Children

The advances in technologies in the 21st century have its pros and cons. When it comes to the upbringing of children these advances in technologies have a great effect on it. There have been hundreds of studies on these technologies, specifically television and video games, and how they affect children. Many of these studies touch on the amount of violence in video games and on television these days and how they are affecting children. Some studies say that violent video games cause children to have antisocial behavior however there are other studies that show that playing violent video games may be an outlet for children to use so that they do not act out violently in everyday life. Violence is also seen on television very often and has a great effect on children. Many studies compare how violence is glamorized on television while good behavior and non-violent activity is usually not rewarded on television. Although there are many negative connotations associated with video games and television, there are also many sources that claim playing video games can actually benefit children. To decide whether or not you think it is ok for your children to play video games and watch television often, you first must look at the pros, cons, and social effects of them.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with all the points mentioned in this article about video games. Every technology do carries both positive as well as negative aspect. Its we people who misuse it and start complaining.
    video for kids
